Episode 22 ⋅ 28th September 2021

Are Women *Actually* Involved in Their Finances?

We all about stuff about women needing to be more actively participators in their finances, that woman make better investors and we need to close the gender wealth gap. Today we're talking about whether we are actually doing just that, and how you can take action without being overwhelmed by the depth of responsibility.


In today's episode we answer the question of whether women are as involved in our finances as we want to be/need to be/should be/or the media tells us to be.

This is a massive topic and one that we are both pretty passionate about…after all, we are women. There are so many facets to this topic, and before you roll your eyes thinking this is going to be a rant on fempower, hear us out.

We hear all this stuff about women needing to become more actively involved in participating in their finances, that we make better investors and we need to close the gender wealth gap.

So, are we? 

What's in the episode?

In this episode, Cat and Christine dive into the stats from around that world to see where we have more work to do. 

Specifically, we cover:

  • What does being actively involved in your finances even mean, for any gender!
  • How you can find clarity + confidence 
  • How and why we need to get women involved in long term financial planning 
  • What the stats around the world tell us about female participation of money management
  • What action you can take to reduce your levels of stress around money
  • How to take action, whilst not being overwhelmed by the depth of responsibility
  • They key to setting up financial success with a partner and striving for shared money responsibilities
  • What women in all phases of life can do about the  gender pay gap, wealth pay gap and ensuring we're setting ourselves up for success.
…And there's lots more goodness in there, so get listening now. 

Great resources mentioned on the podcast are: 

  1. UBS Investor Survey – Women & Financial Security
  2. PWC Employee Wellness Survey
  3. Benchmarking your salary
  4. Check your KiwiSaver, and make sure you're happy with your investment choice! 
  5. After a female finance adviser? Get in touch!
  6. Sorted at Work – Sorted Women programme

Featuring on today's podcast are your hosts, Cat and Christine.

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